Wellness Providers Unite!

Are you building your list of wellness care providers? You’ve found us at Essential Health and Wellness, so now we’re going to help you find others in the wellness community who can provide support and nurture your continued journey to a healthier you.

Meet Dr. Kristan Wilson with Luminous Chiropractic & Wellness in Shrewsbury, MO. This amazing woman began her journey of exploring alternative wellness options at the age of 17 after an accident that doctors predicted would require surgery with possible results of still being in a wheelchair by the age of 30.

Dr. Kristan Wilson with Luminous Chiropractic & Wellness

After finding appropriate chiropractic care to support her healing, Dr. Wilson experienced what can only be described as positive, life changing service allowing her to stand on her own two feet today. 

Her service journey began as a paramedic for 20 years. Following her EMT service, she obtained a Master’s degree in Health and Human Performance graduating as Valedictorian. Dr. Wilson is board certified through the NBCE (National Board of Chiropractic Examiners) in acupuncture and carries licenses to practice chiropractic, acupuncture, and functional nutrition in both Missouri and Illinois communities.

Not only is Dr. Wilson well-educated and prepared to provide the best service for your individual needs, she continues to practice what she preaches by taking time to receive her own adjustments and massages to be her best self.

What is Chiropractic Care?

According to the governmental National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, “Chiropractic is a licensed health care profession that emphasizes the body’s ability to heal itself.”

Chiropractic care may help eliminate pain, restore proper function and get you back to enjoying your life quickly and without the use of medications or surgery. For anyone suffering with back pain, neck pain, headaches, sciatica issues, TMJ dysfunction, or other musculoskeletal disorders, chiropractic care could be an option for you.

What is Acupuncture?

According to John Hopkins medicine, “Acupuncture is the practice of puncturing the skin with needles at certain anatomical points in the body to relieve specific symptoms…”.


Acupuncture may help with a multitude of issues including, but not limited to, stress management, anxiety and depression, nausea caused by surgical anesthesia, pregnancy, or cancer chemotherapy, dental pain after surgery, myofascial pain, menstrual cramps, female hormonal imbalances, headaches and migraines, tennis elbow, fibromyalgia, arthritis discomfort, low back pain, neck pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, seasonal allergies, and asthma. 

The benefit of seeking acupuncture is to allow your body to heal naturally while resting in a stress-free environment for 30 minutes. Dr. Wilson ensures the environment she provides to you is a relaxing experience as you’ll have a private room on a bed with soft sheets and blankets, access to both heaters or fans for your comfort, soft lighting, relaxing sounds, and optional aromatherapy

Afraid of Needles? That’s okay! Afraid of Adjustments? Just talk with her!

While the practice of acupuncture can provide relief from a multitude of physical and mental discomforts, the thought of needles can prickle the skin for some. But that’s okay because Dr. Wilson purposefully obtained a well-rounded education to be able to provide support for people in whatever way they are most comfortable with. 

Scared of needles? Talk adjustments. Scared of adjustments? Talk acupuncture. Not ready for either needles or adjustments? Talk about home care recommendations or receive a referral for physical therapy. Frustrated with your primary doctor not addressing your menstrual cycles lack of consistency? Talk testing to find the root of the cause.

No matter what your personal fears or reservations are, talk with Dr. Wilson who will focus on finding what’s right for you. If Dr. Wilson’s service offerings aren’t a good fit for you, she will link you to a trusted individual who is a good fit.

Dr. Wilson will Include You!

If you’ve ever felt left out on your personal medical decisions, Dr. Wilson is for you. She embraces the time to get to know you and to learn specifically about your concerns and your body so you can participate in your own care plan. You won’t be passed off to a technician, your time will be spent directly with Dr. Wilson

She believes in embodying her Christian values by showing love, compassion, and respect to all people, and with this, you will receive the best level of service, attention, and kindness.

We at Essential Health and Wellness highly recommend Dr. Wilson and Luminous Chiropractic and Wellness so you too can feel as if you glow with luminous health and vitality after receiving top-notch, quality care.


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