Pamper Parties

written by Kate Lamprich

Pamper Parties are a great way to take care of yourself, your self-care, and connect with friends and the community. We offer a variety of services to support your health and well-being.

We schedule public pamper parties that you can join in on at any time. The next is this weekend, Sunday, October 9, at 3:30pm. Followed by a yoga class at 5:30pm and a sound bath at 7pm.

Witchy Pamper Party — Essential Health (

On Wednesday, October 12, at 6pm, we have a networking pamper party scheduled, for working professionals, business owners, and entrepreneurs to gather and connect while taking care of yourself and your self-care.

NOTworking NETworking Pamper Party — Essential Health (

You can schedule private pamper parties for yourself, friends, and family. Contact Kate 314-347-8612, to schedule your private pamper party or pamper party fundraiser!

Pamper party fundraisers are a great way to have a parents’ night out and raise money for your group, team, or organization. 20% of all services during the pamper party, and 10% of gift certificate sales prior to and during the event are donated to your group.

Services offered during pamper parties are dependent on therapists present. For public pamper parties, we do out best to offer a variety of services, when you schedule your private pamper party and schedule sessions we can be sure that the therapists present for your event provide the services that you wish to experience.


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