Consider Oxy-Powder Supplement for Constipation in Place of Laxatives

50 percent of Americans are deficient in Magnesium

Written by Brandi McMurry

Oxy-Powder from Global Healing is a supplement that can help with constipation, gas, and bloating.

From Global Healing’s website:

“Oxy-Powder contains natural ozonated magnesium and citric acid. It releases oxygen to loosen impacted waste and cleanse the entire digestive tract. It’s gentle and won’t leave you feeling drained. Best of all, you can take Oxy-Powder as needed without the risk of dependency.”

Oxy-Powder is a completely natural supplement. Many laxatives use harsh synthetic ingredients that can make your body dependent on their use.

Study shows 50 percent of Americans are Magnesium deficient

Approximately 50 percent of Americans are Magnesium deficient. According to a study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, by Donald Davis of the University of Texas, magnesium-rich foods are not as potent as they were in the 1950s because the quality of our soil is declining. We eat genetically modified foods to produce larger yields of produce. Chemicals and pesticides on our crops also are affecting the nutritional value of our vegetables, decreasing the amounts of magnesium.

“Efforts to breed new varieties of crops that provide greater yield, pest resistance and climate adaptability have allowed crops to grow bigger and more rapidly,” reported Davis, “but their ability to manufacture or uptake nutrients has not kept pace with their rapid growth.”

Yearly crop rotation can help with the soil's nutrient value.

Magnesium is an essential nutrient that helps you metabolize Vitamin D. If you are taking a Vitamin D supplement, but are magnesium deficient you are not absorbing it.

Magnesium can help with mood by helping the body absorb Vitamin D, and sleep quality.

Instructions for Oxy-Powder supplement

Global Healing recommends taking four capsules with a glass of lemon water about an hour before you go to bed. Oxy-Powder can help you sleep, and ideally, you will be ready to have a bowel movement when you wake up in the morning.

Each person is unique with the quantity that works best. Some people might only need two capsules, some people might need six. Global Healing’s website suggests finding the quantity (by trial and error) that helps you achieve three bowel movements a day. You can take Oxy-Powder as needed to achieve your desired results, your body will not become dependent, and you can take the supplement as needed.

Oxy-powder is great to take with you while you are traveling. Traveler's constipation is very real!

You might also consider Oxy-Powder between Colon Hydrotherapy treatments to help relieve constipation.


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